New York For full Restoration

of voting rights coalition


Photo taken at Caucus Weekend Workshop sponsored by bill Sponsor Senator Salazar. Assembly woman Walker (co-sponsor) depicted speaking in the photo. April 8, 2022

Restore the Right to Vote for Incarcerated People

Voting Rights

The general rule in New York is that you can vote after being incarcerated for a felony conviction or while on parole or probation. Your voting rights are automatically restored, but you must re-register to vote.

Expanding Democracy

New York has recently taken legislative or executive action ensuring formerly incarcerated men and women have their right to vote restored.

Electoral Justice

Electoral justice is a way for those who have been affected by the criminal justice system to exercise influence and effect change. Voting is how ALL citizens remain engaged in their community.

New York For Full Restoration of Voting Rights Coalition

In April, you did the right thing by voting to restore the right to vote for formerly incarcerated people on parole. Now it’s time to take the next logical step: Restore those rights to ALL citizens in New York State, regardless of criminal history or current incarceration status.

Democracy For All

Senate bill S316 would create an affirmative right in the New York State constitution entitling incarcerated people to vote and to delete language excluding citizens from voting.

Horozco, K, and Tahnee painting 2021. Unlock The Vote

“Voting is not only our right—it is our power.” 

-Loung Ung, Human Rights Activist